Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Quotable #3
From David L. Thompson's Bible Study That Works:
Before the New Testament was even written, all or part of the Old Testament had already been translated into Greek (the Septuagint) and Aramaic (the Targum). Indeed, the Septuagint had itself undergone multiple revisions prior to the first Christian century. As if this were not enough, the history of the New Testament's textual transmission is even more awesome. One discovers that before a single syllable of the Bible had appeared in early "English" (late seventh century A.D. for sections in Anglo-Saxon), the New Testament had already been translated in whole or in part into Syriac, Latin, Coptic, Ethopic, Armenian, Gothic, Georgian, Nubian, and no doubt other tongues as well.

When one turns from such facts to the claims of any one English version to monopolize the believer's attention, one almost feels a sense of shame at the arrogance, if not ignorance, involved. The designation of any biblical version or revision as the church's best and last attempt to place the Word of God in the language of the people is a travesty on the labors and sacrifice of saints of bygone eras who gave their lives in the desire to communicate. Why you study the Bible in your own dialect? To keep faith with the passion of the church to communicate (98-99).

Just a thought or two to keep in mind for the next sola scriptura, inerrancy, nothing-could-be-closer-to-the-truth discussion.

posted by Peter at 9:58 AM
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