Sunday, March 05, 2006
Brother Tom

Found a Merton quote I particularly like. From the daily reader. Perhaps it stands out to me today because of +alan's visual homage to Brother Tom. Honest. Vulnerable. Holy. Self-deprecating. This is from his journal, March 6, 1949, just following the publication of Seeds of Contemplation:
The Passion and Precious Blood of Christ are too little in this new book--only hinted at here and there. Therefore the book is cold and cerebral. What is the good of trying to teach people to love God without preaching through Christ's wounds? The reason I do not do so is because I am still selfish. I find myself thinking about what we ought to get for dinner in Lent; about how to distribute signed complimentary copies of the deluxe edition of this book. I should never have gone into such a thing as a boxed special edition. I must be nuts.

posted by Peter at 5:08 PM
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