Wednesday, May 16, 2007
When angels party
I ache for my friend Aaron tonight. And I ache for his boys John and Joe. After three years of leukemia, Melissa died today. I call Aaron a friend. He's got an unmatched gift for words, and he tells killer stories. Though the ones about how his boys react to their mom's illness always leave me a wrecked, weepy mess. I never got to meet Melissa. But if she's half the woman he describes, then there are some angels having a wild party right about now.

And we're left to hope in the words of Hosea the prophet:
I will ransom them from the power of the grave;
I will redeem them from death.
Where, O death, are your plagues?
Where, O grave, is your destruction?
We trust in the hope of Resurrection.

posted by Peter at 12:29 AM
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