Thursday, March 23, 2006
When monks interpret the Bible
In the midst of writing a paper in which I must explore the role of the literal sense in the interpretation of Scripture, using selected historical readings on the Song of Songs as a case study. Finding some wacky stuff.

Like this from Martin Luther's "Lectures on the Song of Solomon":

For Your breasts are more delightful than wine. [1:2]

Breasts refer to doctrine, by which souls are fed so that "the man of God may be perfect for every good work" (2 Tim. 3:17). He compares doctrine with wine, of which Holy Scripture declares that it makes the heart glad (Ps. 104:15). Wine is thus metaphorically used to for all the world's delights and gratifications.

And this is, so to speak, the voice of an outstanding faith, which declares, "I prefer Your Word to all the pleasures of the world." For we must refer everything to the Word.

Yeeeeeeah. Voice of an outstanding faith. That's what I was gonna say.

posted by Peter at 7:35 PM
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